Which phone numbers can be displayed for outbound calls (CLIP no screening)?
In this article, we assume that you are using the device-dependent caller ID (CLIP no screening) in the customer portal, and that your PBX / device transmits the information to be signaled for your call.
The user-defined specific caller ID in the customer portal and that of the Cloud Telefonanlage offer a slightly reduced range of functions: Currently, Austrian or other European numbers cannot yet be displayed this way.
Which phone numbers can be displayed?
In general, you may only display numbers that have been assigned to you or for which you are the subscriber. These can, for example, originate from another connection under your name.
In Austria, the maximum number length including the country code is 12 digits.
Call numbers that are prohibited by the regulatory authorities are not permitted by our infrastructure. These include, for example, special numbers, value-added services and emergency numbers. The following is a list of the most common number ranges and a note on whether they are permitted or blocked.
Number ranges in Germany
Number range | Type of service | Allowed |
0800 | Free service numbers | yes |
0700 | Personal numbers, regardless of the location of the connection. Callers always pay the same fee, additional costs for forwarding are paid by the line owner | yes |
Numbers of emergency services, public authorities and similar institutions. | no | |
0900 | Value-added service with up to €3 per minute or €30 per call. | no |
0137(1-9) | Value-added services where the call attempt is already subject to a charge. | no |
0180(1-7) | Value-added services where the connection costs are shared, which are increasingly attracting attention in connection with dubious call services. | no |
legal basis
For Germany: Telecommunications law (TKG) ab § 66k (1) and (2).
For Austria: Communications Parameters, Fees and Value-Added Services Ordinance 2009 - KEM-V 2009 ab §5 (4) and (5)

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