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Latest job openings
Find your future in the heart of Berlin.
We offer
flat hierarchies, exciting tasks, a young and highly motivated team
Who we are
easybell belongs to one of the fastest growing telecommunication companies in Germany
Send your significant application to
Latest job offers
Your English is better than your German? No problem!
First of all: As long as German is not a clear requirement in the job description, you are not expected to speak German. In our company, almost everyone can speak English, and in some teams, especially in software development, it is even the normal colloquial language. However, your English should be around level C1.
Relocation: We help you move to Germany!
Immigration to Germany sometimes involves some bureaucratic hurdles. We are happy to support you with the immigration procedure and help you with issues such as residence permits, health insurance or Blue Card. We also have the option of making preferential appointments for you at the Citizens' Registration Office and the Foreigners' Registration Office.
Feel free to ask us about this in your job interview!
...because your entry into your dream job should not fail due to German bureaucracy!
How to apply
You have identified yourself in a job offer and can imagine working for us?
Then, we look forward to receiving your complete application documents, stating the earliest possible starting date and your salary expectations.
Of course, we guarantee confidentiality.
It is best to send all documents by e-mail to:
We will be happy to answer any further questions.

We are honored!
Customers, partners and the trade press place their trust in us.