Easybell app for Android smartphones (use with a cloud pbx)
Before you can use the Easybell app with the Cloud PBX, you need to install it on your phone and create an extra end device account in the Cloud PBX.
In this guide, we will show you both step by step and how you can then log in to the app.
You will also find a video tutorial at the end.
1. Install Easybell app
Download the Easybell app from the Play Store for Android. Please do not open the app, yet.
2. Adding an end device to the cloud pbx
To use the Easybell app with the Cloud PBX, please first create a device account in the Cloud PBX.
To do this, log in to your customer portal and click on "Cloud Telefonanlage" under "Telephone settings"
Then click on "+Add" in the "devices" area.
3. Configure end device
Select "App" as the "Device type" and then "Mobile app" for "App type".
Fill in the other details as usual.
If you have any questions, our article "Creating end devices in the cloud pbx" will help you.
4. Generate access data
Now enter your e-mail address under "Access data and contact".
Then click on the "Save and generate access data" button.
Your login details and a QR code will now be displayed.
5. Scan the QR code in the app
When you open the Easybell app for the first time, you can scan the QR code to log in or enter the displayed data manually.
The app will request some access rights in your phone, such as to the microphone or contacts. Please confirm these, as otherwise the function of the app cannot be guaranteed.
Note: Only one phone number can be registered in the app.
Video instructions
This guide tells you everything you need to know about the Easybell app. From setting up SIP accounts or the cloud pbx to usage and the various settings.
The look and menus have changed slightly since the video was created.

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