Call2Teams Go only requires a single paid license for "Teams Phone" from Microsoft.

See also "Requirements for Call2Teams Go".

1. Prepare the Cloud PBX

First make sure that the telephony in your Cloud PBX is set up for the connection to Microsoft Teams.

To do this, navigate to "Telephone functions" → "Cloud PBX" in your Easybell customer portal.

1.1. creating the extensions

If you have not already done so, first set up the extensions and call groups in your Cloud PBX.

You can find out more here: "Creating extensions or call groups in the Cloud PBX".

Important note on speed dials:

We recommend using at least three-digit speed dials, as Microsoft Teams reserves the two-digit range. One or two-digit speed dials can only be reached via Teams if +49 is dialed first.

1.2. set up device account

In order for the extensions to be used for incoming and outgoing calls, a terminal device account must be created for each individual employee connection.

To do this, go to the "Devices" area and click on "Add". As Microsoft Teams is to be integrated in this case, please select "Microsoft Teams" as the device type.

1.3. connect device accounts and extensions

You control which calls are signaled on which end device by assigning end devices to one or more extensions.

Incoming calls are accepted by Microsoft Teams for all extensions to which the device account has been assigned. This is done either in the device account or the extension / call group.

For outgoing calls, the phone number defined in the device account under "Outgoing telephony" is used.

You can read more about this here: "Connecting extensions and end devices".

2. Prepare Call2Teams go

Depending on whether you are already using a Teams integration from Easybell or not, you will enter the ordering process at different times during setup.

We have based the setup steps on the most common case where you are setting up a Teams integration for the first time. However, we would like to point out deviations in the sequence.

2.1 Call up Teams integration

In the Easybell customer portal, please click on "Telephone functions" → "Teams integration" – even if the menu item is initially grayed out.

If you do not have licenses for either the Teams Connector or Call2Teams go, you will be taken directly to the ordering process.
If you are already using the Teams Connector, you will be taken to the ordering process later. Please skip the next step and continue with 2.3.

2.2. order Call2Teams

Before you order, all relevant information about the product is displayed. Click on "Order Call2Teams Go" to be redirected to the order process.

Then restart "Teams integration".

2.3. add cloud telephone system

Click on "Add connection" and select "Cloud PBX". The new connection then appears in the connection overview.

2.4. activate Call2Teams go

The newly added connection has a button which you should click to switch to "Call2Teams".

If you have not yet booked Call2Teams go with Easybell, you will now be taken to the ordering process (point 2.2.).

3. Connect Call2Teams go

3.1. authenticate with Microsoft

Now click on "Login" next to the entry for the Cloud PBX. A pop-up window from Microsoft will open in which you must enter your Microsoft access data.

You will then be asked to confirm the authorizations for the Teams integration. Confirm both the standard and extended authorizations in order to be able to use Call2Teams.

Once this step has been successfully completed, the "Connect" button will be activated.

3.2. automatic setup

After you have granted the authorizations, click on "Connect" to start the automatic connection process. The status then changes to "Connecting". It usually only takes a few minutes for the connection to Microsoft Teams to be successfully established.

You can get a detailed overview of the individual setup steps by clicking on "Show status".
As soon as all steps have been completed and the cloud telephone system is connected to Microsoft Teams, the status in the overview changes from "Connecting" to "Active". You will also receive a status email to the address you have entered.

Note: The connection of Call2Teams Go with Microsoft Teams normally only takes a few minutes, but can take up to 24 hours in individual cases, as Microsoft has to synchronize the connection after installation.

4. Manage users

4.1. call up the user overview

Click on the arrow next to "Manage SIP Trunk" and then on "Show details".

Under "Manage users" you will see an overview of all users set up in Microsoft Teams. You should create missing users directly in Microsoft Teams.

4.2. assign device accounts to the Cloud PBX

By clicking on the plus sign next to a Microsoft Teams user, you can select from the previously created device accounts of the Cloud PBX (see step 1.2.). Alternatively, you have the option of changing the phone number or removing it completely.

Then click on "Save". After a short time, the phone number will be displayed in the user overview.

Attention! Note on changes to the assigned devices:

If you change the assignment of devices later, it may take up to 30 minutes for the changes to take effect in Microsoft Teams.

Further information

Telephone status in the Cloud PBX

The connection status relates exclusively to the connection between your Cloud PBX and your Microsoft Teams instance. Therefore, all device accounts with the type "Microsoft Teams" are always displayed identically. However, this display does not provide any information about the connection of the devices used in each case.

Caller ID for connections within Microsoft Teams

Microsoft first checks whether the other party is also known in the Microsoft instance.

If this is the case, the connection is established directly within Microsoft Teams and not via the Cloud PBX. The caller ID for such calls may therefore differ from the configuration in the Cloud PBX.