"PPP registration failed" – why am I not able to register my phone number on my FRITZ!Box?
You are not able to register your phone number on your FRITZ!Box and the problem report says “PPP-Anmeldung beim Internettelefonanbieter ist fehlgeschlagen” ("PPP registration on the internet provider failed)? The reason for this problem could be a possible branding by the internet provider or a previous setup configuration, which is not compatible with easybell.
Here is the troubleshooting:
Deactivate PVC for the internet telephony
Important: You need to activate the extended view for this guidance:
- Open the FRITZ!Box user interface.
- Click “System” and “Ansicht” (“view”).
- Activate the option “Erweiterte Ansicht” (“Extended view”) and click “Übernehmen” (“Takeover”).
- Click “Telefonie” > “Eigene Rufnummern” (Internettelefonie bei älterer Firmware) (“Telefphony” > “Your phone numbeRufnummern” (Internettelefonie bei älterer Firmware).
- Switch to the tab “Anschlusseinstellungen” (“Connection settings”) (older firmware:“Erweiterte Einstellungen” (“Extended settings”)
- Deavtivate the option "weitere Verbindung für die Internettelefonie über DSL nutzen (PVC)" (“Use addtional line for internet telephone via DSL (PVC)”.
- Click “Übernehmen” (“Takeover”) to save the settings.
There you can find all of the extended settings for internet telephony.
Set up the login information for internet manually
Attention: If you do this, every setting will get lost. Please do this only when you've got your login information at your fingertips and you are familiar with the handling of the FRITZ!Box! If the first step doesn't help, please check if you've set up the login via a previously chosen provider (“Internet"/"Zugangsdaten” means “Internet/login information”). This previous setting prevents the right connection to easybell from time to time. Please choose at “Internetanbieter” (“Internet provider”) the option “Andere Anbieter” (“Other provider”). But be careful! You should really make sure, you have got all of the login information of your provider. Otherwise, you will lose your internet connection.
Factory reset
Attention: If you do this, every setting will get lost. Please do this only when you've got your login information at your fingertips and you are familiar with the handling of the FRITZ!Box! If the first step doesn't help, do the factory reset and re-enter all of your login information. Save all your settings in “System/Einstellungen sichern” (“System/Save settings”) and click “Sichern” (“Save”). After that please click “System/Zurücksetzen” (“System/Reset”). Here you can find “Werkseinstellungen” (“Factory settings”). Read all of the warnings carefully! If you are absolutely sure, that you know, what you do, click “Werkseinstellungen laden” (“Load factory settings”).

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