Which PBX is suitable for an easybell SIP trunk?
All IP-PBXes which can cope with SIP, the technologies of SIP-DDI and CLIP no screening and Codec g.711 are suitable for easybell Business VOICE. For HD calling, g.722 is necessary.
There are lots of different IP-PBXes. Please make sure, you take one for your needs. Therefore, you have to think about the needed features. A FRITZ!Box is often fine for SIP trunking, because it is able to deal with up to 20 extensions. To make sure you'll find the best suiting solution, we offer an interactive comparisson of PBXes on our website (in German).
To get the full functionality, we recommend you to use one of our certified IP-PBXes. We made extensive tests in cooperation with the PBXes’ producers to guarantee a full compatibility with our SIP trunks.
You can finde different guidances to set up our certified PBXes in our help center.

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