How do I use my phone numbers as a SIP trunk?
With Easybell's trunk mode, you can use simple numbers like a number block. This means you can add extensions to your local number.
This is a good alternative for small companies to professionalise their availability. For larger companies, however, a real number block is the right solution. Here you have the guarantee that the numbers will remain accessible even after a change of provider.
Important note: Trunk mode is only available in selected business customer packages (e.g. Business SIP Trunks or Office Komplett Trunk). Trunk mode cannot be set for all private customers or in the Office Komplett Cloud package.
1. call up call number management
First, log in to the easybell customer portal with your personal access data.
Click on "Manage phone numbers" under "Phone functions".
2. manage phone numbers
In the "Manage phone numbers" overview, you will see a large blue button next to your phone numbers that shows the mode in which the phone number is currently located. This is set to "Telephone" by default, but can also be set differently.
Please click on this button.
3. adjust the call number mode
A selection window appears with the various modes available to you.
Please select the "Trunk" mode here and click on "Apply".
4. check setting
You will now see that the desired call number is in "Trunk" mode:

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