How many phone numbers can I use?
The allocation of telephone numbers in Germany is strictly regulated by the Federal Network Agency. In a 2006 ruling, it defined the minimum number of lines a connection must have in order to receive a certain number of telephone numbers.
This is to ensure that there are enough numbers for all subscribers. This is not a matter of course. In some conurbations in Germany, there is already a shortage of large blocks of numbers.
Important: A maximum of 10 numbers may be assigned to non-extensible connections. This applies to all private customer products.
The maximum number of phone numbers you are allowed to carry can be found directly in the following key:
Number of voice channels | Number of call numbers 2 - 3 | 11 4 - 5 | 30 6 - 7 | 70 8 - 9 | 100 10 - 29 | 300 30 - 59 | 500 60 - 89 | 1,000 90 - 119 | 3,000 120 - 179 | 4,000 180 - 479 | 5,000 |
If you have more than 479 voice channels, you may be allocated 20 times as many numbers as you have voice channels. With 1000 voice channels, you can therefore have 20,000 phone numbers.
What you can do if you need more than the recommended number of numbers.
The values specified by the Federal Network Agency may not be exceeded by the telephone provider. If you need more telephone numbers, you can apply to the Federal Network Agency for certification of your number requirements.
In the case of very large blocks of numbers, e.g. a block of 10,000 numbers, the need must always be justified to the Federal Network Agency.
We recommend that you weigh up your number requirements as carefully as possible. A large number block may sound tempting, but it also means that with us and other providers you are always dependent on a connection with a comparatively large number of voice channels. As more voice channels usually cost more, especially in combination with flat rates, you may incur higher basic charges than necessary.

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