Requirements for a fiber optic connection
In this article, we explain the individual components in detail and show you what happens next.
Fully developed fiber optic connection
In order to be able to offer you fiber optics via the Internet, your location must already be fully connected to the fiber optic network by the network operator Deutsche Telekom.
This means that the network operator has already installed a fiber optic socket with a fiber optic ID in your premises.
We are not yet able to supply locations that have not been fully or only partially expanded, e.g. where the fiber optic network has only been expanded in the basement of a rental building or only in the street in front of the house (home passed).
Fiber optic ID
As soon as your fiber optic connection is fully connected, you will receive a fiber optic ID. You will find this on the fiber optic socket in your premises. For older connections, the fiber optic ID can sometimes also be shown on the ONT.
With this unique identification number, you can already order Internet via fiber optics from Easybell. Only one thing is missing to use the connection later:
ONT, fiber optic modem or router
As soon as fiber optic over Internet uses a different technology than DSL, for example. This is why you also need a special fiber optic modem. This device has a unique modem ID.
There are three variants here:
- This can either be an ONT, which is sometimes pre-assembled on older connections. Most commercially available routers can be connected to an ONT and use its Internet connection. Read "Using the FRITZ!Box as a router on a broadband or fiber optic modem".
- Alternatively, a fiber optic modem (e.g. fiber optic modem 2) can of course also be used. A separate router or similar can then be connected behind it, as with the ONT.
- However, there are already some routers that have a built-in fiber optic modem, such as the FRITZ!Box 5530, which you can order from Easybell together with your fiber optic connection.

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