Sustainability and environmental protection
What can companies do?

The problem we are currently facing as humans is relatively easy to explain: the world's population is growing steadily and consumption is also increasing. This not only leads to an overproduction of materials, but also of foodstuffs such as meat and fish. Large areas of rainforest are being cut down (or burned down). We are developing an enormous demand for energy, which means that huge amounts of CO2 are being released into the earth's atmosphere. Due to the rise in global temperatures (keyword "global warming"), the polar ice caps are melting, which is leading to rising sea levels, among other things. The result is flooding, the images of which we all know from the news.
This briefly outlined development not only has devastating consequences for us humans. in 2019 , 500,000 to 1 million plant and animal species are already threatened with extinction according to a draft UN report. Earth Overshoot Day, i.e. the day on which the demand for environmental resources is higher than the Earth's ability to produce them sustainably, was already on July 29 in 2019. For comparison: in 1987, it was December 19.
These are facts that have probably not only been known since Greta Thunberg and the Fridays for Future demonstrations. But what can not only private individuals but also companies do?
We took a look at what can be done quickly and easily in terms of sustainability and environmental awareness both privately and professionally, where easybell stands with regard to the issue and where there is still room for improvement .