Where can I find passwords and how can I change them?
1. Password for the login to the customer portal
With the password that you chose during registration, you can access the easybell customer portal.
You must enter your customer number as the user name. In the customer portal you have access to your contract data, invoices and access data. You can also configure your telephone connection there. The password can be changed at any time in the customer portal under “Personal data” (customer data). It works as soon as you have completed your registration. If you have forgotten your password, you can have it sent to you by clicking on “Forgot password?” on the login screen and entering your customer number and the email address we have stored for you.
2. DSL password (only for customers with a DSL connection)
The DSL password is used to activate your DSL connection. Please enter it together with the DSL user name in your router according to our configuration instructions.
You will find the DSL password together with the DSL user name in the customer portal under the heading “My product”. This password is assigned once and cannot be changed. Normally, this password is activated and visible shortly before your connection is switched on.
3. SIP password (VoIP telephony)
You need the SIP password in combination with the SIP user name to authenticate your phone numbers. Please enter this in the VoIP settings of your router/VoIP client.
In the customer portal you will find the respective password under “Phone settings”/ “Phone numbers per SIP account”/ “Phone number”. You can view this password as soon as you have received your phone number. You can change it at any time by clicking on the button behind the password.
4. Router password
The router password protects the device's user interface from unauthorized access.
Many devices have a default password, which can be found in the instructions in the Internet Configuration help section. For FRITZ!Boxes you assign the password during the initial setup. If the device has been preconfigured by us, you can take the password from the enclosed code card.
5. WLAN password? (Wi-Fi)
You need the WLAN password (also WLAN network key) in order to register your WLAN-enabled devices in the WLAN.
You will usually find it on the back of the device, where numeric codes are often used.
You can change it in the router's user interface.

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